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Infection Control & Prevention Training

Infection Prevention & Control Training Courses

We are living in a pretty intense period of history, COVID-19 was something that the UK was not prepared for.  Knowing about infection control and prevention is important, not just for those working in the Health and Social Care sector, but also for people who want to keep their loved ones safe.

WHO defines Infection Prevention and Control as “a practical, evidence-based approach which prevents patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infection and as a result of antimicrobial resistance”.  But what does this mean?  It is a series of procedures and precautions to prevent infection harming clients and healthcare workers. 

Infection Prevention- Preventing infection is a secure way to ensure clients and workers remain safe.  There are a number of activities that can be completed to help prevent infections.  Keeping surgical sites clean, washing hands, wearing PPE, correct waste disposal – these are all key processes that need to be in place to prevent infection outbreak.  Having the correct processes in place to meet the specific needs of each client is important, especially when working in person-centred care.

Infection Control – The term infection can cover a wide variety of conditions.   From chest to urinary tract, controlling the spread of infections is vital to ensuring client and staff safety.  Some infections are transmissible, so when there is an outbreak, there needs to be appropriate infection control measures in place.

These could include shielding vulnerable clients or isolating the person with the infection.  During an outbreak it is important to keep up with sanitation and other prevention methods.  Appropriate PPE should also be worn.

Infection Prevention & Control Training Courses

AOne offer a full infection control course.  This can be completed to give you the security you need to stay safe at work or at home.  Recognised as a Centre of Excellence by Skills for Care, AOne is the perfect place to complete your training.  We have a variety of accredited and awareness courses to increase your skillset and ability. Get in contact today to discuss your training needs!

Access Government Funded NVQ Courses
Follow UK Health & Social Care Training